BSB 26/02/1986 Wednesday

BSB 26/02/1986 Wednesday

Rodrigo (Renata’s brother) took us to school today, as her mum has gone away. He drove at 80km/h and we had the music on maximum volume… On the 2nd period, English, everyone did some health tests. No one in the school is allowed to wear shorts (we don’t have uniforms) and today five people were sent home to get changed or had to call their parents to bring trousers/skirts for them.

Marcelo is the stupidest boy I know, he just talks shit all the time. At the end of the 4th period he asked what we were doing next, I said Physics, he said, ‘oh, I thought we had physical education already in the 3rd period’ and I said, ‘no, it’s the other Physics’. So lame! When school finished I watched George walk away from school, shame he’s married. He can’t be older than 28.