BSB 25/03/1986 Tuesday

BSB 25/03/1986 Tuesday

We decided to go to Conjunto Nacional today, not tomorrow. We met at 16:30 in front of Sodiler. I met Faiga and Heda on the bus stop at 508/7. We met Marcelo, Caio and Mauro there. We walked around then went to Fliperama, where these boys were. We met Raquel, Viviane, Fabio and Claudio Cesar. We ate a News Burger and as we left we met a couple more people.

There were 16 of us. We walked around, being loud, but it wasn’t that much fun. Raquel seemed to have no energy and eventually we all felt the same, almost everyone left at one point, but in the end only two people left. Half of us sat down (including me), while the other half went for another spin, Luis, Marta and her sister arrived around 17:40. Bit by bit people left and in the end it was Faiga, Heda, Marcelo, Damala, Ana Claudia, Luiz, Viviane and I. And then it was fun. Luiz knows some boys from my quadra: Negão, Cleiton, Asclêpiades. We left at 7.