BSB 24/08/1986 Sunday – Very drunk…

BSB 24/08/1986 Sunday – Very drunk…

I received my first pen pal letter yesterday. His name is Jorge and he’s from Lima, Peru. He’s 16 years old. After the tests Sergio, DaMala, Vinicius, Kitty and I went to W3 North. One of the tasks for the gincana is to promote it. Each team has to stick 40 posters in set places. Ours was Venancio, W3 North and North commercial centres. Only us 5 from our team offered to do it and from 11 until 1 we were sticking posters, from shop to shop. I was semi dead when I got home.

It rained all day so I stayed in all afternoon. In the evening Renata, Sabrina and I went to Otelio (Karaoke bar) to get a table for our group. Then Marcelo (1A) and girlfriend and friend arrived. Then Patricia, her sister and boyfriend. Then Claudio and friend. Then Flavia, both Julianas, Fernando, Bruno, and some other girl. By the time everyone arrived I was very drunk. I drank 5 caipirinhas, and 3 caipiroskas. I was very dizzy. Then the waiter brought menthol liqueur and 2 more caipirinhas I had ordered for some other people and put them all in front of me. So I had a bit of everything, no one took ownership of the caipirinhas! My bill was huge.

The atmosphere in the bar was lively to say the least, it was crazy actually. Our table sang three times. Suddenly I felt really ill, I ran to the toilet, I had been drinking on an empty stomach, so I vomited. Went back to the table, feeling awful, and laid my head on the table, and was sick again, but no one noticed. My sick was pure alcohol. I felt better after being sick, but my head was heavy. So heavy I fell asleep, for an hour, until 1am. They tried all they could to not let me sleep, pushed me, tied my hair. They gave up in the end and covered me with the table cloth.

When I woke up, Renata was talking to a guy, Flavia and Fernando were kissing, Sabrina was with Claudio and Marcelo was back with his girlfriend.