BSB 24/03/1986 Monday

BSB 24/03/1986 Monday

Today is Viviane’s birthday and tomorrow’s is Raquel’s, so we arranged to wear weird outfits and go to Conjunto Nacional, for a laugh. We soaked Viviane in PE. During Maths Ribeiro (the teacher) and Weber had a massive fight, I don’t know what Weber was doing, but here’s kind of what happened:

Ribeiro –If I catch you again you will be expelled, you brat.
Weber – What am I doing?
R – Don’t be such a cynic, you brat. Brats like you don’t stay in my class.
W – What is wrong, dude? I’m a brat then what are you?
R – I’m not a brat, but you are.
W – Who are you to tell me whether I’m a brat or not? Not even my father talks to me like this. People who talk to me like that get beaten up.
R – Come on then
W – muttering…
R – Get out of my class, brat.

End result, Weber has been expelled… Well, from my word for word dialogue transcript, you can see the teacher is disgusting, a despot and a macho man, and it’s also clear that Weber doesn’t take abuse… A lethal combination.

We had class representative election today, Theodoro won, and Flavia is vice-rep. I voted for Raquel. Queijo is our counsellor.