BSB 24/02/1986 Monday

BSB 24/02/1986 Monday

Had class with George, the Geography teacher. He asked us to write an essay about underdevelopment. I spent half the class staring at him, shame there’s no more class with him until Friday. In the 5th period I was talking with Faiga, Raquel, Viviane and two other girls.

At 4:30 Ana and I went to Lucia Toller for our 1st class. Henrique rode past the academy twice, but he was on his bike and rode past really fast. I only recognised the motorbike and his shirt. When I got back from dance, Johnson drove past on his bike and annoyed me again. I decided to call Andre and ask him to come over, after the soap. I asked him to pretend he’s my boyfriend to see if Johnson leaves me alone. He said yes, he would pretend.