BSB 24/10/1986 Friday

BSB 24/10/1986 Friday

Renata got her tattoo yesterday. Rogerio was mad at me for getting in the pool at the weekend! Luckily it didn’t ruin it, but it took some of the colour, it’s a bit lighter.

Marco and Rodrigo like Alessandra, who likes Mauro, who along with Sebastião, like Leticia who likes Gustavo, who likes some girl on 1C who likes him back. I was quite surprised when Rodrigo told me that Mauro likes me. I was always sure he liked Alessandra. I didn’t really take notice of him, we don’t talk much. I think it’s true though, he was staring at me today. Alessandra is crazy about him and knows he likes me. I keep pushing him to her because I don’t fancy him at all. What a mess. Everyone was gossiping during class.

Summer time starts tomorrow.