BSB 23/04/1986 Wednesday

BSB 23/04/1986 Wednesday

There’s a new boy in class, his name is Guilherme. I paid no attention today as I didn’t have my glasses, and couldn’t see anything. I’m going to have to work really hard not to fail this year, I’m fed up already! Every free time I have I study and when I don’t, I feel bad and worried. I’m having to study a lot just to get 70% or 80%. Being a student is hard work. Honestly…

My whole day today was disgusting. School in the morning, back to school 2:30 to 4 for Orientation, which thankfully it’s only once a month. Then dance from 5-6, then dentist, 6-7! I start volleyball on Thursday.

So I went to the orthodontist, for him to get a cast of my mouth, next week the braces will be fitted.