BSB 22/03/1986 Saturday

BSB 22/03/1986 Saturday

We had our four tests in the morning: PS, Biology & Lab, Literature & Grammar. I only did ok in Literature, I think I messed up the rest. I only revised yesterday, and Biology will probably be my worst result, don’t think I got more than 40%, PS I probably just passed with 50% and I’ve no idea about Grammar as I just made up answers. The classes are split so that each exam room has people from all three years, luckily today, Renata and I were in the same room, room 16. It took me 1:45 to do the tests.

We haven’t seen Viviene for about three weeks. The other day Renata and her argued on the phone and Vivi said she much prefers being with Pedro than being with us and that she wanted us to explode. I think she said that because when we all got together and Pedro wasn’t around everyone (not me though) bitched about him. She didn’t seem to mind, but she said to Renata that she hated it. Even I, who never said anything about Pedro, am now excluded from seeing them!