BSB 22/02/1986 Saturday

BSB 22/02/1986 Saturday

Renata and I went to the newsagents in the morning and as we crossed the road here comes Johnson, on his bike, for a change, so we talked to him for a bit, then Jilo arrived. Johnson kept on and on about being my boyfriend, that we should go out, blah blah, what a joker. Ana Amelia then showed up. A little later Junior, Cristina and Alexandra.. Jilo and Johnson then left, then Junior half an hour later, and the rest of us were talking until 13:30.

In the afternoon the five of us stayed under the I block, then Alexandra and Renata went somewhere, so the three of us went to 406. We were about to sit on the curb when Orlando turned up in a Garelli, he’s looking strong, his face was never his strongest point, but his body looks great. He left after a little while. Jilo and Johnson joined us. Ana’s sister came looking for her and took her away. Today was tragedy day, a woman died, run over, on the Eixão, by 106. Johnson saw blood everywhere. A guy from 406 fell off his motorbike, and went to hospital, then his brother ripped the top of his thumb off by accident.