BSB 21/02/1986 Friday

BSB 21/02/1986 Friday

Our class is not doing so good. The teachers are saying we are the most undisciplined class. Good start to the year! We all got on very quickly. We only have classes until 12:45 twice a week, today we didn’t have the last period. We left together, Renata, Danilo (it was his first day in school), Lara, Celia and I. Marcelo and his group of friends walked near us until W3. He catches the same bus as I do, if I was to catch a bus, but as we are walking then we don’t get to go home on the same bus. I will be on the bus when I have English in the afternoon. Speaking of English, Juliane, who was in my English class last year is now in my class in school.

There are 1000 students in Leonardo, the break is very busy, people everywhere. There are 8 1st years, six 2nd years and four 3rd years, and six pre-vestibular, with 50 students in each class, plus other classes I don’t know about.

Went to Lucia Toller with my mum and Ana. As it’s no longer necessary to take a test we decided to go there, to the beginners dance class, Monday, Weds, Friday from 5 to 6.