BSB 21/11/1986 Friday – Rampant inflation

BSB 21/11/1986 Friday – Rampant inflation

You won’t believe what the government has done. Raised petrol prices by 60%, alcohol (fuel) by 40%, drink and smoke by 100% and they say the salaries will only go up when overall inflation reaches 20%. As they calculate the inflation any way they please it will only be when people can only afford to buy water that salaries will rise. The middle class is completely squashed. My mum’s salary has never been enough, now… To go to Zoom I will have to save the whole week, not buy cigarettes, comic books, ice cream, the things I’m used to. Forget about buying clothes…

I have to retake Chemistry, Physics and Maths, as predicted. I exploded, was so tired from all the revision, I had enough. I went to the club, pretended I was on holiday and did little revision. At least I have a tan.

Alessandra and I went to Vizinhanca after the exams, to sunbathe. Suddenly I saw Henrique and gave myself a fright! I thought he’d be in school. I went to say hi. His tattoo looks great in real life. In the afternoon I went shopping with Alessandra and her friends. I stole a bikini and an eye liner.

I got home at eight and Renata came here. We were listening to ‘Capital Inicial’ and Henrique called. I was talking to him but Renata was screaming, just so he knew she was there too. Then she grabbed the phone off me and was talking to him for ages and started talking about me, I asked her to stop. She said I was jealous, I went to my room and she told him. I came back and said to her ‘Don’t ever talk to me again!’. So this so called ‘friend’ talked to him a bit more to provoke me, and then handed me the phone. He practically begged for me to go to the club again tomorrow, and asked me to bring Alessandra for his friend as he fancies her (mmm, he probably fancies her). As well as everything else I now have to put up with him fancying my friend? I’m going to kill myself!!!!!