BSB 20/12/86 Saturday

BSB 20/12/86 Saturday

Hi!!!! I went to the club on Thursday and Friday, and I have a nice tan!

In the afternoon Renata called Andre to her flat, to tape some of his records. Andre and I argued like cat and dog (I used to be his girlfriend!). He’s so annoying. He’s 18 and is a dickhead. We were walking to the shops and he smacked my head – Renata in the middle, laughing and asking us to stop – so I went to kick him, but he grabbed my leg and I fell down. I was so mad, I got up and went home crying with hatred. They came after me. Then we went to S block and talked to Negão. Then Andre apologised, but I was being all hard and sulky and I said ‘Don’t ever speak to me again’

Renata had early Christmas at her flat, I ate so much! Then we went to a small party at the I block, everyone who lives at 405 was there, it was actually quite a nice party.

Leticia and her sick love… I dreamt with Henrique again, we were going out together and went to Gilberto, he went somewhere and then I saw him kissing another girl. He came back, we argued. He sat on a table and stared at me. Then he vanished and I spent the rest of the dream desperately looking for him. Result: I thought about him all day. This obsession won’t leave me alone…