BSB 20/09/1986 Saturday

BSB 20/09/1986 Saturday

I decided to send Henrique a letter, talking about stuff, like love and friendship. I don’t expect anything, it was more a ‘get it out of your system, goodbye’ letter. I told him how I feel and at least it’s out there, and I’m not keeping it inside. Sometimes I don’t even like him…

Speaking of liking, I think I like a boy in my class, Gustavo. He’s tall, dark, friendly and only calls me Lelé.

I didn’t do well in the tests, but what’s new…

I got seriously drunk. Renata, Sabrina, Alexandra and I came to my house to talk. Sabrina asked ‘are there any drinks in the house?’ – well, there was a bottle of Sant Remi, which we drank – that was in the afternoon. I drank four cups. Renata had one and she vomited. The other girls had two each. I was laughing non stop. They decided to carry me out to a restaurant, I felt sick and vomited in the toilet. I laughed a bit more then I fell asleep. Alexandra brought me home and I passed out in bed. My mum took off my shoes. I thought she would be mad at me but she wasn’t. She laughed. Don’t think she realised how drunk I was. I slept until now, 10pm. There’s no one home and no one to go out with. The phone rang earlier, I think it was Renata, but I just didn’t manage to get up.