BSB 20/02/1986 Thursday

BSB 20/02/1986 Thursday

Marcelo is becoming friends with Flavia (a really stuck up girl), but we still do some staring, discreetly. At least he knows my name. Today I met Ari, Biology teacher. Magdal and Ribeiro, who teach Maths.

In the afternoon Renata, Ana and I went to Cristina’s, Alexandra was there. We decided to go to Sarah Kubstechec to see Deca. He went camping and when he jumped in the river he hit his head and hurt his neck. As the hospital was so busy, instead of us going up to see him, they brought his bed down.

He has some screws on his head and will need an operation to put the vertebra in the right place. Cleber is marrying Eliana, she’s 6 months pregnant. Cleber was joking with me, as usual. Piolho, Fernando, Leda and lots of people were there. We left at 18:30, when Deca went up. Poor guy! He’s sick of staring at the ceiling. (NOTE: I had actually read a book the previous summer about a man who had a similar accident, he ended up in a wheelchair. This sort of accident is very common in Brazil, where people dive into rivers/lakes while on holiday before properly checking the underwater landscape).

We got a lift back with a Bolivian gentleman, he talked away in Spanish.