BSB 20/10/1986 Monday

BSB 20/10/1986 Monday

The end of the school year is only a month away. This year went so fast, I didn’t even notice. Now it’s time for the people who played too much to wake up and be scared. I’m good. I’ve practically passed in 9 subjects. I need less than 35% to pass those subjects. Physics, Chemistry and Maths are the tricky ones. I need 48% in Physics, 49% in Maths and 55% in Chemistry. I’m exhausted, sick of revising. All we do in school is calculate how much we need to pass. A lot of people will fail 8 subjects or and need to get 80% or 90% to pass. Student life is hard.

On Friday Renata and I went to see Cristina at work. She said a rich man has fallen for her, the owner of the shop she’s working at. He gave her a diamond ring, I nearly choked when I saw it. He gives her 10 thousand cruzados every so often. Said he’s going to buy her a car (mmm, I will believe it when I see it) and gave her 150 thousand crz for her to open a dance academy! She’s won the lottery! The old man is married and hasn’t asked for ‘anything’ yet, but she said she will sleep with him if he asks. Money buys everything it seems.

I heard, but don’t know if it’s true, that Rivaldo, who lost his leg, is at death’s door. It seems he has an infection… His flat, which is in front of mine, always had people and the lights on, now it’s abandoned, so quiet…

I took the scab from my tattoo out today (I really shouldn’t have) and it looks amazing! It should be the final product in three weeks…