BSB 02/05/1986 Friday – Loló abuse

BSB 02/05/1986 Friday – Loló abuse

There’s a really lame fair ride in 204/5 and me Ana and Renata went there today. We just sat on whatever ride we liked and we went for free in all of them. We had to pay for popcorn though.

Went to Leo Jaime’s show, at Circus Show, 9:30. We weren’t in the mood for going or for dancing… So much happened though. We met lots of friends, amongst them Heloisa, and she got us some loló. Everyone got wasted and I nearly fell lots of times. I put my hand in Heloisa’s pocket and gabred a loló container for myself. I didn’t see any of the show, after he just started I asked Ana if it was over, I was so out of it I started screaming HENRIQUE.

Some dickehead who was trying to get off with me wasn’t impressed by this. But I had to snog him, just so I could stay standing, I was in a deplorable state. Can you imagine, at the end of the show Binho came to ask me for loló – the guy I was with was sniffing it off my shirt when he came over, that’s how he knew. I told him I’d only give it to him if he kissed me, he was with some girl, but as he was out of it too, he kissed me. I have no memory of leaving the show and I was very subdued on the car journey back with Ana’s dad.