BSB 19/05/1986 Monday – Walletgate

BSB 19/05/1986 Monday – Walletgate

I think I managed to pass in Physics. I think I got 60% which is exactly what I needed. I was out all day until 19:30. I stayed in school to eat with Rodrigo, Marcelo, Marta, Ana Claudia and Raquel. We left at 13:30 and went to Conjunto Nacional to do our work about racism for Art. We took photos and interviewed people. Then I went to dance, and then to the orthodontist.

Luis picked a fight with Mauro during the 5th period. It seems he thinks Mauro took his wallet. Except Mauro is highly skilled in fighting and after school he had already gathered a gang to get Luis. Thankfully Luis ran away. He’s missed tests, argued with Marcelo and now Mauro. All because I lost his wallet (his school id was in it). How awful…