BSB 19/04/1986 Saturday

BSB 19/04/1986 Saturday

I had Maths I and II and English tests today. I didn’t do well in Maths I, Magdal’s, but the other two I did reasonably ok.

We went to the show at 18:30 to get a good spot and it was busy already. We stayed with Juliana, Ju and some girls we met in the queue, and we danced until the show started. By some miracle the show started on time, well only five minutes late, last night they were 1 hour late… It was great, there were lasers, amazing. I was soaking wet when it finished… Getting out took ages. On the way out I met Ana Luisa, Heda and Martha, Fa, Lu. Ana Amelia’s dad drove us there and back (Renata, Vivi, Nica, Ana and I).