BSB 19/03/1986 Wednesday

BSB 19/03/1986 Wednesday

Our English lesson was out of control today and suddenly Bedel, the school chief type guy, walks in and calls Weber, Luis and Claudio Henrique. Marcelo, who was the actual culprit and causing most of the disruption wasn’t even called. He said it’s because he’s a pro. It seems that, unfortunately, Luis is going to be expelled, according to Marcelo (he’s a bit of a fibber though). If that’s true the joy in our class will be killed.

In PE Marta, Faiga, Viviane and Alessandra skipped class and talked in the changing room, we stayed there during the break too. Juliana is a girl who went to school with me in Goiania, at the school Vocacional, in the 4th and 5th years and now she’s in Leonardo too, on 1B. I only went to talk to her yesterday, although I spotted her a long time ago.

I have four tests on Saturday, but so far I have only revised for Biology. I have a feeling I might do badly, we have covered so much already!

Renata is such an annoying pain in the arse. She said she’s going to tell Henrique that I only talk about him, she says because I do that with Deca all the time. She can go fuck herself, I hate her. I didn’t see Henrique after dance today, instead of walking past his block I went to buy an ice cream. I saw Marcelinho doing Capoeira under the building opposite Lucia Toller.