BSB 18/05/1986 Sunday

BSB 18/05/1986 Sunday

Today was Ana Paula’s 15th birthday party. Renata, Lara, Celia and I went together to Assefe. I was hoping Henrique would be there, but he wasn’t, and it was boring! Ana Paula’s dress was beautiful. She must have spent a fortune on that party. I’m not having a 15th birthday party because something always goes wrong. People complain, there’s fights… During her waltz the record was broken and someone had to run and get another one. Luiz picked us up, but he said he’d be there at 1:30 and didn’t turn up until 2:30am.

Tania, my mum’s friend, got a part as an extra in a movie with Jose Wilker, Cassia Kiss. So next Saturday we are going to the acoustic shell, see if we can be extras too.