BSB 18/03/1986 Tuesday

BSB 18/03/1986 Tuesday

Guess who called me??? Henrique, just now. I was missing him so much. Lately all I could think about was him, I wanted to call him, but didn’t… He called me. He’s studying at Planalto and we will meet up tomorrow, when I finish dance, as it’s near him.

Luis was back in class, sat next to me, but he left me alone. Except in History, when the teacher was talking about homosexuals and lesbians in Greece, and said that even if we were disgusted by this, nowadays it’s quite acceptable… In our class the rows were coincidentally split into girls and boys, so when the teacher said that people of the same gender got on, he just jumped to my side. Then Marcelo burped so loudly it gave us all a fright.

I had an English test today. The teacher went to the back so I opened my notebook and cheated a bit, although I think the teacher noticed. She didn’t say anything. It was raining when I was walking back home, I like getting soaked in the rain.