BSB 17/11/1986 Monday

BSB 17/11/1986 Monday

I had final exams for Geography and Chemistry today. I cheated in seven out of the 10 Chemistry questions because I had no clue, didn’t touch a book this weekend. Afterwads we went to Marco’s and Bugu’s to watch a movie. It’s the 5th time we go there after exams (Ale, Dalle, Rodrigo, Marco, Bugu and I). Today we watched ‘The Day of the Dead’, following ‘The Return of the Living Dead’, which follows ‘The Night of the Living Dead’. As you can tell these are horror movies. We might go to Marco’s farm again on Saturday.

Went to Gilberto on Saturday and Sunday, Rilson was there both nights. On Saturday Renata, Patricia and I went to have a spliff with Ricardo and Marcola. It was Patricia’s first time. Marcola, sure he would do well out of stoned, inexperienced girls started to make a move on me and Patricia. I turned to her and asked what he was saying to her and we just laughed at him. Ricardo was trying to hug Patricia but she didn’t let him and we left. These guys think that just because we have a smoke we become unconscious, unable to think. Arseholes. I bet Ricardo will spread lies though, that’s the kind of fool he is. He’s such a baby, and he’s 19.

Rivaldo is back! He only amputated the leg from the knee down and he’s in good spirits.