BSB 16/08/1986 Saturday – The most anti-climatic kiss in the history of the universe EVER

BSB 16/08/1986 Saturday – The most anti-climatic kiss in the history of the universe EVER

In the morning I did the Biology resit. The day went as normal and the night finally arrived. Henrique called me yesterday! We went to the show: Renata, Daniela, Andrea, Fernando and I. My school was in heavy attendance, representing!. Before the show started, Renata, Daniela and I went for a walk. We wanted some loló so I went to get some from Henrique. He was a bit out of it so we didn’t really talk. I had some and went for a walk with the girls. I met Riba and he got me some loló. He was so friendly and gave me a big hug. I asked him to take me to where Henrique was and he did and we gave each other a big hug, after the two of them argued about who was getting off me (jokingly), and I intervened and I said I wanted to be with Henrique (I was wasted) and we gave each other the biggest hug ever in the world! We sniffed some more loló and Henrique collapsed! I tried to get him up, with the help of two of his friends, and then I told them: ‘Leave it with me I will look after him’. Renata had vanished by then. And so we kissed. The thing I waited for the most, but I was so wasted I didn’t even rejoice in this.

During the interval between Finis and Capital Inicial we went for a spin. We saw Renata and I went to her, and he went back to his friends. I was walking with Renata and found Riba again. I made him come with me to find Henrique, with an excuse to get more loló, then things are hazy, but then Renata and Riba and I were looking for Deca, to see if he had loló, which he didn’t. So Riba and I left, and I desperately wanted Henrique. But I think he will die before he admits he likes me, he probably wanted me to thank him for kissing me. Dickhead! So I kissed Riba instead and stayed with him till the end of the show. The show finished, I found Renata and we left.

Renata, Sabrina, Flavia, Dandam, Andrea, Patricia, two other guys and I went to Gilberto, it was so cold. I saw Orlando there. Six of us got a taxi to 106, went to a bar and had lots of fun. Marcelo, the fake Henrique, was there. We went home at 2:30. It’s now 4:00 and I’m wide awake watching a movie.