BSB 16/10/1986 Thursday

BSB 16/10/1986 Thursday

So many bad things happened to people who live here, my neighbours. Rivaldo, who lives on the flat next to Renata’s, is an athlete, one of the 10 best triathletes in the country. He was on his way to Bahia, to compete… The bus hit a truck carrying logs and these flew inside the bus and hurt lots of people, everyone was hurt. Rivaldo had to have his whole leg amputated. He’s young, married… He’s said to be inconsolable. I don’t blame him, I think I’d want to die. I wish I knew him well enough to go visit him and give him some strength. I wish something like that happened to politicians’ tongues. There’s no mute politician is there? Such a good guy, honest. Is it fair? Maybe it’s karma…

My neighbour, from flat 101, Claudio and Luciana’s mum has stomach cancer, and it’s on her lungs too… No hope of survival. Her husband stopped working, he’s just waiting for her to die. I haven’t seen Claudio, I wonder how he is.

I woke up feeling extra perceptive today. I looked at the blue sky, and all the green around me, and it felt like I was saying goodbye. The sunset was amazing too, soft like an aurora borealis. And the full moon, it was so shiny! If I have to live in a world without nature, I’d want to be blind and have no sense of smell. There are no words to describe how amazing nature is. It’s like a son who needs protection but also a mother who gives life and warmth…

I’m not exaggerating, but I’ve had dreams about Gustavo for the last six nights. Always in school and with him staring at me. I barely paid attention in class today, I was admiring his lips. They look so juicy!

I was nearly kicked out of class today. Ale, Marco and I were lost in conversation, when the English teacher comes in, calls out our surnames (he only refers to students by surname) and shouted ‘OUT NOW’. He called Bedel, and I was getting up, but Marco started to beg, humiliating himself… So the teacher said ‘Fine, you can stay’. Pffff. I had a go at Marco after, begging like that! He was afraid of suspension and of missing Saturday’s tests. Worst of all, the rest of the class was chaos, everyone talking, and the teacher did nothing!