BSB 15/09/1986 Monday

BSB 15/09/1986 Monday

Things at 205s are heavy. Almost everyone is sniffing coke at least three times a week. There’s even someone on heroin… But I’ve only seen this guy once and I don’t even know his name. He was shaking when I saw him, it was agonising.

Viviene went to see her mum, the first time since she left. They missed each other a lot, and she was received with open arms. Everyone was very kind to her. They will see each other every Sunday from now on.

We went to Gilberto on Saturday and Sunday in the evening. Rilson was there both times and we said hi. Last night we went despite the rain. We were sitting at a bar when suddenly there was a massive fight on the table next to ours. They were breaking everything. We tried to run away, but the floor was full of chairs, glass, tables… By the time we managed to leave (without paying, of course) the fight was over.

Later we went back and sat on a different table. Then Renata’s friend arrived and told her one of the cousins has just died. Renata didn’t want to believe it, as we were having so much fun. But then her mum came and picked us up, telling us it was true. She threw herself out of a 10th floor window…