BSB 14/04/1986 Monday

BSB 14/04/1986 Monday

I got the Biology test back and I got 15%. Sad. Now the teacher won’t leave me alone. Before Geography I was outside the class staring at the Henrique look-a- like and George asked me who I was flirting with. I did really well in Geography and got 100%, I was the only one in class! Wow! It made up for my Biology result.

We need to move out of here in May, as Pontual wants his flat back, we have no idea where we will move to.

Just now, 21:00 in Brasilia, the United States started to bomb Libia, Tripoli, to be precise. According to the lying Americans they are doing this because terrorists bombed their embassies. But it’s obvious it’s because the Muslins aren’t doing as they are told by the Americans.