BSB 14/03/1986 Friday

BSB 14/03/1986 Friday

Someone tried to steal the tires from Renata’s mum’s car, they only managed to take the screws, but she couldn’t drive it. So Ana Amelia’s father gave us a lift to school. Renata and I had to run, the gates were about to close. Luis has been suspended for three days, because he’s so disruptive.

In Geography me, Katia and Faiga sat at the front. George is growing a beard. On the way out I was waiting for Renata when he came out, I looked at him and he looked at me. Maybe he knows… This love is impossible for sure!

Last Saturday, during the first week of the movie ‘Rock Estrela’, the people watching the 4 o’clock show destroyed the Cine Atlantida. They ripped the screen, threw chairs everywhere, they ruined the cinema. It won’t reopen for two months! Just to show what people around here are like, bunch of animals. This city is dull, nothing to do. No other cinema wants to show that movie anymore.