BSB 14/11/1986 Friday

BSB 14/11/1986 Friday

Henrique was in my dream. We went to school together, and when we were going to cross the road, a car came, and he held my hand. I asked to see his tattoo and it looked amazing. Frustrating. It’s the second time I dreamt we are going to school together, we start talking and I wake up…

School finished on Wednesday, from now on it’s just exams. The last day was crazy. People were held down and had lipstick smeared on their faces. Gustavo and Sebastiao held me down, and I rubbed lipstick all over my face during the break. During the lesson everyone had lipstick on their faces. Hilarious. I cleaned my face, and I had a permanent marker in my bag, so I thought I might as well use it. Except I fell prey to my own trap and I was the first victim. I was very colourful by the end of the exercise as everyone got their markers out.

It’s been cold and rainy since Wednesday. And it seems I will have to keep on going to school until December because of Physics, maybe Maths and possibly Chemistry. I passed all the other subjects. I don’t mind, I will see more of Gustavo and everyone else.

I love that school, except for the people who run it. They wanted a donation of crz 1200 from each student, to cover their deficit. And if you didn’t donate you wouldn’t be able to enroll next year. That didn’t go down well at all with the parents, not a single one agreed to it, PROCON went there to investigate complaints, so they decided to find another way to pay for it, assuming it’s a real deficit. They get crz 25000 per class, there are 20 classes, that’s crz 500000 per month. More than enough, except they are greedy for profits.