BSB 13/03/1986 Thursday

BSB 13/03/1986 Thursday

Alexandra finally decided to study, her and Ivone, after a year without going to school, and they hadn’t even started school this year, their mums didn’t seem to care. Cristina enrolled Alexandra, they are both studying in the evening, in Caseb. But they missed school last night.

Today, during the last period, the Biology teacher hadn’t come to work, so Eugenio came in. As the class was out of control he kicked 5 boys out. Despite that we want him for counsellor, he’s funny and trustworthy.

Marcelo is in my lab class, we were in the same group today.

I woke up at 6 to have a shower, looked out the window, it was dark still, and I think I saw Halley’s tail end. I’m getting up early tomorrow to try and see more.