BSB 12/12/86 Friday

BSB 12/12/86 Friday

Hello! Friend!
Yesterday was my final exam in that shit school: Physics. Needless to say I didn’t pass. So, next year I will have to pay to retake it, in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, on an whim, I went to the hairdresser, with Alexandra. I followed the stupid hairdressers suggestion and she ruined my hair. I left in a rage, swearing at the woman, crying and I ran home, with Alexandra behind. I locked myself in the bathroom and cut even more hair, I never seen so much hair. My hair was so long and now it’s really short, on my neck. I don’t recognize myself when I look in the mirror…

At night went to 205. Alexandra, Pedro, Gino and I had a smoke. I went bonkers! I had a whitey. I nearly fainted but Gino held me. Wow, what a trip. At times it was as if I had sniffed lolo. I could hear that psychedelic sound you get from lolo (Chloroform). I wasn’t going to smoke but I wanted to listen to Capital Inicial while tripping. All I could hear was the drums, and I kept playing that in my head.

There’s a general strike in Brazil today. But Globo and Manchete say everything is functioning apart from Goiania and Fortaleza. They say Brasilia is functioning fully. LIES! Everything has stopped. It’s sad to see the press sell out.