BSB 12/1/1986 Sunday

BSB 12/1/1986 Sunday

Sadly, I’m home now, I wish I was in Guriri! We got back at 6 in the morning. We left the hotel in Vitoria yesterday at 8 and got the 8:45 bus to Belo Horizonte. During the stop for lunch we sat on a table with a gorgeous 20 year old, from Brasilia, who is friends with Alexandra (Gino’s sister, not my Alexandra).

I was too distracted by my thoughts so I barely spoke to him, my mum did all the talking. We got to BH at 17:30, we stayed there for a couple of hours, the city is so polluted. We went to platform H at 19:30 to wait for the bus. As we were boarding a woman asked us if this was the bus to Brasilia. It was Flora and Pati! She is going back to Brasilia, Renata and Alexandra are off to Vila Velha.

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