BSB 12/09/1986 Friday

BSB 12/09/1986 Friday

Once again I didn’t revise for tomorrow’s tests today, but that’s because I had revised already. Instead I went through my earlier journals. Weird how you change in two years… Sometimes it’s like it was written by someone else. One of the few things that haven’t changed is the desire to write, and also Henrique. It’s been a year since I’ve felt this ridiculous passion, for no reason. I hardly see the boy! He wasn’t lying when I said I should take that chance otherwise he’d forget me. I didn’t believe him, didn’t think he was that pretentious (to be honest, I was the pretentious one, thinking he liked me as much as I liked him). We’re not even friends anymore. Please, Gods and Saints, make Henrique call me, please please! Today! Will black magic work? I should go and see someone and kill a chicken or something. MACUMBA!