BSB 12/04/1986 Saturday

BSB 12/04/1986 Saturday

Stayed at Renata’s to watch Halley, but we saw exactly nothing. Halley was the disappointment of the century.

Haley Disappointment

No comment about today’s tests… I stayed out all afternoon, at around two, Ivonete turns up and hands me a letter, I never guessed who it was from. It was from Beu! He wrote to me three months later, how absurd! At least he wrote. I realised he’s semi literate and was disappointed. Damn. I like him a little more because of this. I will take two months to reply, also I don’t even know what to say to him.

Today the order of business was with William. Ana and I were washing my mum’s car. Renta, Gino, Negão, Fabiano and Bolinha were watching and laughing. We were done and talking to them when William arrives by car. I called him all sorts of names in front of everyone, but I wouldn’t mind getting off with him again. Not sure how old he is, I think he’s going to be 16 soon. He’s stupid, arrogant, ignorant, disgusting, cynical, but I’m really attracted to him, he’s magnetic!