BSB 12/02/1986 Wednesday – Carnival

BSB 12/02/1986 Wednesday

Sadly carnival is over… Shame! I was going to Pacotão with Ana again but her father wouldn’t let her go. At 2:30 Fabiane called me inviting me to the matinee at the Minas club, and I said I wasn’t going to no matinee! But then I changed my mind, I had nothing else to do. So I called Ana, it would cost us 20000 to get in as we’re not members.

We arranged to meet Fabiane there, and Ana arranged to meet three of her friends there: Luciana, Renata and Cintia, three brats. I met Fabiane and her friends. It’s all split in there so we were in the 12-16 area. We danced a lot, then Ana and I sat for a bit and Daniele turned up and we danced more. Karina was there too. It rained a bit so Daniele, Fabi and I went inside for refreshments… Unfortunately it all finished at 6. I looked for Ana but we had lost each other. We got in the car with Fabiane, her parents, me, Dani, Ana, Fabi, Tais and Aline, but the car couldn’t take it and the tire was flat. We stopped and were seeing what was wrong when a car with three guys stopped to offer help. The tire just needed filling up, which we did at a petrol station.

At around 8, Ana, her mum and I were walking to the 403S, to the Pacotão, then we followed a truck with some music (trio-electrico), someone threw talcum powder on Ana’s face, and she looked like a ghost. We cleaned her face and walked to 403. It was packed and we danced lots, I jumped a lot. Frevo is much more fun to dance to than samba. I jumped around for 2 hours and was exhausted, my feet hurt. How the people in the North East dance for a whole week without stopping I have no idea.

We left at 11 and went to Ana’s house. We wanted to wake up with a hangover, as this is what you do on Ash Wednesday, and we decided to drink. I drank a glass of liqueur of jabuticaba, and mint liqueur. Then some cachaça (with a hint of coconut) and a bit of whisky. We didn’t drink all the whisky as it was too strong and Ana’s mum wouldn’t let us. I was a bit dizzy when I went to bed and fell asleep straight away. I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling very thirsty, drank some water then fell asleep again. I woke up at nine.

Today is Fabiane’s birthday and she asked 10 friends to Germana, to eat pizza. It was chaos! Dani, Karina, Lara and her other friends.

Renata and Alexandra got back from Lavras today at 8:30.

Got a letter from Leonardo, I’m on 1G class, Lara is on 1D and Renata on 1A, I guess that means I did badly on the tests…

Mangueira won, champion of 86 with maximum marks on everything. Beija-flor came in second.