BSB 11/08/1986 Monday

BSB 11/08/1986 Monday

Yesterday was my 2 year anniversary of writing a diary. Last year, on the 10th, our dance group “Corpo Natureza” was being baptised. Nothing ever came of that. Did little yesterday. Talked to Alexandra. Cristina, her and Ivone are all working at the Conjunto Nacional. Alexandra is working at Armação Ilimitada, Cristina works at Condotti and Ivone, not sure. Luiz simply banned Vivi from seeing us! It seems she only gets controlling people in her life.

At around 7 Ana and I went to sniff loló. She had some at home and she asked me to join her. So I said ok. We had some in the park, and then, very wasted, we came to my place. On the way I started screaming “ARGH, I love Henrique, I want Henrique!” We came to my house and had some more. Then I called Henrique. You heard me. I called him! Being high gave me the courage. Our dialogue, in summary:

Hi Henrique, it’s Leticia!
Hi!!! Where have you been? You vanished…
Well, so did you. How are you?
Fine, you?
Not so good.
Why not?
Don’t know, I’m not so good. Ah, I learned how to drive!
Nice! Are you going to the show on Saturday? You can drive us there. Are you going?
Are you going?
Ok, then I’ll go. I’m wearing braces.
I miss you. I want to see you. We lost touch didn’t we?
I think school separated us. I miss you too and want to see you. I will go there. When?
I can’t today, I can tomorrow.
I have English tomorrow, I can go to you after.
Great, I will be alone at home!
You haven’t changed a bit.
Yeah… almost nothing.
So yeah, I miss you and the gang. I saw Riba twice on 109 and asked about you.
Eh? He didn’t tell me.
Are you still friends?
Not really, I see him occasionally.
Are you friends with the people in your quadra now?
Sort of, you know I don’t go out much here.
So I heard you have a girlfriend in Paracatu?

I don’t remember the rest and I will go to his flat tomorrow. If he doesn’t let me down I will see him, but I don’t trust him as he didn’t turn up last time. I like him so much I made a promise to stop smoking if we get together. I don’t think he likes me anymore. So I will carry on smoking. Why do I like him so much? But I won’t finish with Rilson yet, will leave things as they are and see…