BSB 10/05/1986 Saturday – Bolshoi ballet in Brasilia

BSB 10/05/1986 Saturday – Bolshoi ballet in Brasilia

George must not want for anyone to have to resit because the test he gave was easy, so so so easy, that even though I didn’t revise I will be surprised if I get less than 70%. Chemistry on the other hand, was fucked up, I’ll be happy if I get 50%. On the way out I saw Marcelo, he was with some aberration of a girl, how horrific looking she was! They left together.

Bolshoi ballet is in Brasilia and they have done 2 shows in the National Theatre, only it was too expensive and we couldn’t go. Tomorrow they are doing a show in the Sports Centre for the poor people, and I’m going with my mum.

Ever heard of Dengue? It’s an old epidemic that hadn’t been around for years, but it’s now back, along with yellow fever and malaria… There hadn’t been any of those epidemics for decades.