BSB 10/04/1986 Thursday

BSB 10/04/1986 Thursday

Been very busy, no time to write. Halley is coming, tomorrow is the big day. It hadn’t rained for a whole month, then it rained today after lab class.

Luis skipped school this morning but he went to lab in the afternoon. I was playing with his wallet, and then I took it. We have Physics and History tests on Saturday, I haven’t revised, I’m screwed. History alone I have to read 70 pages.

There’s a boy who looks just like Henrique in the 2nd year, I’m always looking at him and wishing he was Henrique. I haven’t seen the real thing in 4 months, so I have to make do with a cheap imitation.

All the students at Leonardo signed a petition for there not to be exams this Saturday so we can stay up late and look at Halley, but He-Man (the principal) said NO!