BSB 06/12/1986 Friday

BSB 06/12/1986 Friday

Me, Renata, Alexandra, Juliana e Armando went to Velha Elite yesterday. Everyone got drunk, except me… Ginho and Ro showed up too, and later me, Alexandra, Ro, Ginho, Leo, Arnaldo went for a spliff to some guy’s house. When I got back home my mother was really angry and lectured me. I found out she treated Renata and Alexandra badly and they didn’t even call me to go to the club today, because they were scared of her. When I confronted the moron she said it was not true and that the girls are gossiping. Why would they make this up?

Alessandra came here so we could revise, but we barely did any work and went to Praline with Renata and Alexandra, later Alessandra went home and we came back to mine. Then Renata had to buy some ham and went with her. We went to 406, by car. Renata’s driving is so bad! She went on the kerb, got stuck on a drain, nearly hit a car. I nearly died from laughing. We bumped into Orlando at the shops and while the girls went for a spin on his Garelli we chatted. Renata didn’t find any ham so we went to 405. I bumped into Luis there, he used to study in Leonardo, hadn’t seen him for a long time.

Later on Renata and I went back to ride Orlando’s Garelli. We went to 205, 108, 307. Everyone was staring at us riding it really fast. Two guys rode past on a bike and kept cutting in front of us. So cool!!!!!