BSB 01/12/1986 Monday

BSB 01/12/1986 Monday

Hello Baby!!!

Não pense que eu me importei
Por isso mesmo eu deixei
Acabar com tudo de uma vez
Pois entre nós só havia indiferença
Tudo Mal, Capital Inicial

Don’t think that I cared
And for that reason I let
Everything end at once
Because all there was between us was indifference!

This is my homage to a subject named Chemistry, for which I feel total indifference. Because of this indifference, I think, well, I know for sure I’m going to have to retake it.

This is also for Chemistry

Fui enganado quando eu te conheci
Você disse que era simples e eu acreditei
Qualquer coisa te agradava
Agora eu me sinto meio amarrado
Assim não posso fazer nada
Linhas Cruzadas, Capital Inicial

I was deceived when I met you
You said it was simple and I believed you
Everything pleased you
Now I feel tied down
And I can’t do anything

This one is for that shitty college

Vocês esperam uma intervenção divina
Mas não sabem que o tempo agora está contra vocês
Vocês se perdem no meio de tanto medo
De não conseguir dinheiro pra comprar sem se vender
E vocês armam seus esquemas ilusórios
Continuam só fingindo que o mundo ninguém fez
Mas acontece que tudo tem começo
Se começa, um dia acaba, eu tenho pena de vocês
Fátima – Capital Inicial

You wait for a divine intervention
But don’t realise that time is now against you
You get lost in the fear
Of not getting money to buy without selling yourselves
And you plan deluded schemes
Continuing to pretend that the world was made by no one
But it just so happens that everything has a beginning
And if it starts, one day it will end, I feel sorry for you.

Homage to a capitalist company, exploitative like all capitalist companies, disguised as an educational establishment.

I think I will also have to retake Physics. I have a feeling I passed Maths. The results are out on the 3rd of December.

p.s. -> Copyright to all verses -> Capital Inicial. Everyone knows except for ignorant people, hence the notice.

p.s. again -> Did anyone notice I’m disgusted with school? Probably not that obvious…