RJ 31/01/85 Thursday

RJ 31/01/85 Thursday

It’s 13 :00 hours and Wagner came here in the morning, with Rita. My grandad brought my new glasses but I
didn’t like the frame, really ugly. This afternoon was great. Maira came here and she had an apt. with the
doctor. Zezé left a little bit earlier to cash a cheque and was going to meet us at the doctor’s. The check up took
ages! I got really pissed off. After that we went to wait for a bus that took ages and went to Vicentina’s
(Antonieta’s daughter, Antonieta’s was my other grandmother’s sister). Vicentina is 47 years old and has 2 sons;
Ricardo (married) and Reinaldo (single and 20 years old). Actually we only went there to see Reinaldo, he had a
cyst removed the day before yesterday. He worked for security at Rock In Rio and got a lot of autographs.

Reinaldo used to be after Maira all the time until she got pregnant. He is such a flirt, he was even asking my age
and giving me funny looks. He’s such a fool, but not bad looking; really strong but has a head full of shit. We
ate something and at around 5 Zezé decided to leave. We left Maira there as her English class is nearby.
The dollar has gone up to 3,585crz.