RJ 29/01/85 Tuesday

RJ 29/01/85 Tuesday

I will be going back in 11 days. We phoned my mum last night and she is going to Goiania from the 4th to the 8th, therefore, on the 9th at midnight (if Zezé manages to get a ticket) I will leave. My mum said that they messed her about on her contract and she didn’t get paid for January. She reckons they mixed up the dates, basically, it smelt like a lie.

Zezé bought me a new comb, the same shape but of a darker shade of green. I’m talking so much shit, but that’s because I hardly go out! Today is cloudy. Maira came here at 11:00 and left at 3 to take the baby clothes that were still here and put them away in the new chest of drawers. Maira asked if I didn’t want to go with her to Gina’s but I didn’t feel like it. Then as I was about to have a shower Maira phoned from a phone box, saying she had forgotten her keys here and for me to go and meet her at some bus stop, she would be waiting for me and I would have to get off the bus. I went to the bus stop shitting myself (I’m chicken really). The first 232 that drove by didn’t even stop. I got really mad. Then the second one stopped. It was the first time I got on a bus on my own in Rio. I had a vague idea of where to get off, but still I kept thinking I had missed my stop and other stuff. But then I recognised the building and got off. Maira and Gina were there. We got in and sorted Gabriel’s clothes. Then we had lunch and Regina and Marcio (Gina’s father) arrived to pick up Gina. It was 6 o’clock by then. Jeison had just arrived. Then we rushed Maira to her English course. We got to Zezé’s and she asked Jeison to drop my glasses at my grandad’s tonight (they were broken, one of its arms). I don’t think it can be fixed and that means I need a new frame. Great! A new one costs around 35,000. It’s still raining.

After Jeison took my glasses away I had to make a great effort to watch telly and I think that made me tired so I
went to bed at 9:40 but I felt wide awake by then, so I started writing here, for the first time I’m writing in bed.
How cool … It’s 22:10 and 41, 42 seconds. Bye bye.