RJ 26/01/85 Saturday

RJ 26/01/85 Saturday

From Monday the dollar will freeze at 3,511 crz. On the black market it is being sold at 3,800. Today the football
championships start (Taça de Ouro). There are 40 teams split into 4 groups (A, B, C, D). I support Flamengo
(but they are going through a bad patch). I’ve lost the passion for football since the 82 World Cup, but I will
write the important matches down. I spent the morning at home and in the afternoon we went to Rio SuI
Shopping Centre to try and buy my roller blades. I had 50,000 but they cost 277,000. I nearly fainted! After
that we went to Mesbla (It was me, Zezé, Maira and Jeison, Gil was at the boat for a change) and they didn’t sell
them. We walked past a games arcade and I dragged Jeison in. I bought 5,000 in tokens (only 8 tokens). Here
they cost 700 each and in Brasilia they are 300 crz. While the both of us played Maira and Zezé went for a walk
and when they came back they said the saw other shops that sold roller blades and the prices were around
400,000. So I had to give up and decided to spend my money on records. I bought a Blitz record; Blitz 3 for
18,900 and Queen Live for 19,500. We got home at 7.

During the night a tragedy nearly happened in Cubatilo. 500 meters from Vila Parisi, which is 2 km from the centre of Cubatilo a duct broke, and 15 tons of ammonia leaked. Luckily the police noticed and evacuated the little town. Cubatao is the most polluted city in the whole world, every day 1,000 tons of chemicals are released.