RJ 25/01/85 Wednesday

RJ 25/01/85 Wednesday

It’s around 9 in the morning and I will tell what happened yesterday. In the morning I stayed at Zeze’s (for a change!). In the afternoon, around 5, I went to the shops to buy some bread (I hate it), and it was raining. But it was good as on the way back I saw a guy I fancy, a blond guy who spends a lot of time flying kites on the roof of the stupid bus garage next to the building (the buses make loud noises all day).

At 6:15 Jeison took Maira to her English course. I was going to ring my mum at 20:00 (it’s cheaper) and I was just waiting for Zeze to come back from Rita’s to call her. The funny thing is that I was thinking about it all day and before Zeze came back she phoned me. Good, now I can ring Vivi instead to congratulate her on her first anniversary with Well on 9 Feb (I couldn’t cope being with the same guy for that long!)

My mum said she’s not coming for carnaval, thank god. And I’m leaving early, at around the 10th of Feb. We spoke for about 15 minutes and she said it’s raining in Brasilia too. She didn’t even go to the congress on the election day! “Because I couldn’t go in and it was raining”. After we put the phone down the intercom rang and it was Wagner asking me to play atari (I bet Zeze and Rita made him call), I said no and asked him to call Zeze and I told her my mum had phoned.

She asked me to go up and I had nothing else to do. I went to the room where they were and we had a look at the silver jewellery that Rita sells. I was browsing and saw this wonderful earring, all in silver with a little diamond at the end, really delicate (it cost 8,000). I just screamed: “I’ll buy it!” and asked Rita to keep them, then Zeze said I could have it then as she would give them to me as a present. Then Rita made me try all the rings on my finger. Two of them fitted and she gave me one (the one she liked the most), I liked the other one best, but still I really liked it, that one cost 10,000. After that I played some atari (Zeze left me there at 22:15) and at 23:15 I left.

Zeze asked me when I want to go back and I said that would be nice to go on 1st Feb. She rang grandad and they might buy the plane ticket for Saturday at midnight, when it’s cheaper. Tonight around 9:30 we (Zeze and I) went to Rita’s and I stayed there playing cards and watching the last men’s volley match between Brazil and USA. They played a series of matches which started after the Olympic games. Brazil had beaten the USA before the Olympic final in the elimination games and had only lost to Korea. The final was Brazil and USA and we lost 3×0. After that there were 14 friendlies between them and tonight was the last one. Brazil won 3 x 1. Brazil won 8 matches in total.

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