RJ 23/01/85 Wednesday

RJ 23/01/85 Wednesday

The volley finals were yesterday. Minas Tenis won 3 x 2 on the men’s. Atlantica won 3 x 2 on the women’s. The teams I supported lost. In the morning I woke up early at 7:40 and Maira, Zeze, Rita, Wagner and I went to the beach. Zeze was driving (she hasn’t had enough practice) and it was a nightmare to park the car. The sea was wonderful and calm. There was a sand bank but I wasn’t allowed to go there.

I went to the deep and nhoc! Something bit me, I just ‘ran’ off. Wagner (what a pain!) was stuck to me, I would go to the water and he would come after me, I would leave and he would leave the water too. I’m red and everything is burning.

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