RJ 22/01/85 Tuesday

RJ 22/01/85 Tuesday

We complain about the inflation in Brazil, but Bolivia’s was 2107% last year. The dollar is worth 7 times more than their currency. In Belem do Para they chose a woman to be King Momo, so she’s Queen Moma. She is massive and weighs 150kg, but she is very happy as this is the first time a woman was chosen. In Rio Grande do Sul twenty thousand tons of sting rays have died. It’s the fisher’s nets that keep catching them.

I watched Jaws last night, from Steven Spielberg (he directed ET and Gremlins). When it first came out I was 6 years old and not allowed to watch it at the cinema. It started at 22:15 and only finished at 00:46. The movie is 2 hours long, but with the breaks (which last between 2 and 4 minutes), all seven of them, it took ages to end.

There is no snow or cold in Brazil but on the other hand it rains a lot. It’s raining in RJ, ES and MG. In Minas there are 7,000 homeless people and it’s only been raining for 3 or 4 days. It didn’t rain in Rio city today, it was boiling hot, around 40c and I’m sweating like a pig.

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