RJ 21/01/85 Monday

RJ 21/01/85 Monday

Today was another boring holiday day, in other words, shit. Even worse because Rock In Rio is over. Nevermind, there will be more next year, and maybe even in July, because, obvioulsy, they can’t leave all that space, which cost a fortune to set up, in disuse. And Nostradamus prophecy never came true.

Mind you Jeison’s friend said it wasn’t in his book. What is there is that the world will end in 96. The rumour is that the church made this prophecy up because they were against the festival. Apart from today being shit nothing much else happened. Rita came back from her cottage yesterday and came around at 1. Maira, Zeze, Rita and I went up to her place. At around 2 Wagner arrived. Bloody Hell! I don’t want to spend my vacation flirting with ugly blokes (how fussy am I?) and he is ugly as hell. To make it worse he won’t stop staring at me.

The dollar has gone up to 3,458. I’ve given up reading “Gandhi” and I’m reading Reader’s Digest selections.

My grandad gave me the 50,000 (from my monthly allowance, which is 100,00 but my mum, the thief, takes half every month and I’m going to buy roller blades (the ones with boots). No one roller blades anymore but I don’t care, I just love it. Back in Mexico I was absolutely brilliant, as I did it all day long. First I had crappy ones, made of iron and the wheels barely moved. Finally I bought one with boots, size 35, but now I’m size 37.

The winter is the worst in America and Europe. The new American president, Reagan, didn’t even take over in the open air, as it was so cold, he did in a gymnasium. I hate his guts.

Wagner just came here asking to borrow an onion (my grandad and Zaira, his wife, were here) and after he left everyone started winding me up. They all think I fancy him. They either have no instincts or nothing better to do.

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