RJ 20/01/85 Sunday

RJ 20/01/85 Sunday

Today is St. Sebastian’s Day, Rio’s saint. I found out the proper name of Rock In Rio’s sex symbol. John Sykes, Whitesnake’s guitarist. Today is Rock In Rio’s last day. The singers tonight are : Erasmo Carlos, Barao Vermelho, Gilberto Gil, Blitz, Nina Hagen, B-52’s, Yes.

Today were the volleyball finals. First the men’s, and Atlantica won 3×0, which means there will be another match on Tuesday at 21 :30. I support Bradesco-Atlantica. On the women’s, which started around 6, we are now on the 3rd set. Supergasbras won the first and second sets. Now the score is 7×2 to Bradesco-Atlantica. On the women’s I support Supergasbras and if they lose today there will be a 3rd match on Tuesday at 19:00. The final result was 3 sets to 2 to Atlantica, who turned the game around, damn!

I can’t stand Maira anymore, she’s been awful, thinks she is always right and owner of the truth. I myself quite enjoy a good old fight and won’t let anything go. I’ve even argued with Jeison. I’m arguing with Maira every day since she offended me. She spends her time defending human rights but doesn’t even respect her own mother. She comes up with all these beautiful discourses and keeps making everyone feel bad, but when push comes to shove she does bugger all.

Rock In Rio stats :
• 11 million dollars were spent but they don’t know yet how much they made in tickets.
• 1,380,000 people went to the festival and watched 90 hours of music.
• 1,200,000 sandwiches and 33 ,000 pizzas were sold.
• 1,600,000 litres of beer, lager and soft drinks were drunk, in 4 million cups.
• 50,000 people had a new wave hairstyle.
• 44,000 lamps lit the stage.
• And, most interesting 44,000 rolls of toilet paper were used, in and out of the toilets.

Helena, who recently had the baby is a spiritual medium. I eavesdropped on Zeze and Gil when she told him this as they were speaking very quietly. Yesterday Helena was breastfeeding and started shaking suddenly, she held little Jorge really close and hard. It was like a fight of evil and bad (that’s what I managed to hear). Luckily her good side fought back and she screamed and asked Valeria to take the baby away from her otherwise she would kill him!

Valeria who is being Jorge’s mum (as Helena just feeds him, nothing else) took him away. And now Helena is rejecting the baby. How awful. I only believe these things if I see them, but I know Zeze doesn’t lie and I never want to witness such thing anyway. I hope I’m not a medium, if I am I don’t want to find out ever. What a mess!

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