RJ 17/01/85 Thursday

RJ 17/01/85 Thursday

It’s pouring down today (it’s 2 o’clock) and it’s the 7th day of Rock In Rio. The singers tonight are: A1ceu Valenca, Elba Ramallio, AI Jerrau, Yes (I love them). Yesterday they showed the best moments of Scorpions, ACIDC, Moraes Moreira, Paralamas do Sucesso, Rita Lee and ridiculous Ozzy. Rita was the most welcomed of the night, after all she is Brazil’s biggest rocker and hadn’t sang on stage for two years. They say she’s got leukaemia, I can’t believe it, I really adore her. But she did look very different. No energy. I hope it’s just a psychological phase (Oh, I can use big words!). She used to let her voice go but this time it was like she had to hold it so it wouldn’t come out of key. Even so it was great to watch her.

In Sao Paulo, a tank in training smashed a car and a wheel chair, killing people. How incompetent can they be? Today was a boring day. I slept at Zeze’s and in the morning Maira came here. It’s weird and annoying, during school time I sleep 8 hours a day and that’s enough, now I have to sleep at least 10 hours otherwise I can’t cope …

We went to buy baby things, it was raining but we got a lift with Regina. I only like shopping when it’s for me, so you can imagine how bored I was. The only thing that kept me entertained was this massive aquarium, about 3 meters long. There even was a crab in there.

The Rock In Rio started 1.5 hours later because of the rain. “Yes” is playing tonight and that’s great. Today Tancredo gave his first official interview as the new president. I’m sleeping at Maira’s tonight and trying to watch a program about the elections on her crappy television. According to a research the biggest problem in the country is unemployment. It hasn’t t been decided how long Tancredo will be president as he is just a transition candidate, but most people want him to stay for 4 years.

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