RJ 14/01/85 Monday

RJ 14/01/85 Monday

Only one day to go for the new president to be voted in. Everyone knows who it will be: Tancredo Neves! I think Rock In Rio is on now to distract the Brazilian people. But my mum will be staying in front of the congress (as people are not allowed in). Yesterday Maira and Jeison took my aunt’s car and left the motorbike here. Jeison took his car’s battery and put it in Zeze’s. Today Jeison picked his bike up and brought Maira. He was on the table drinking coffee and I had just woken up and was dreaming still (it was 9 and I had gone to bed at midnight watching the best bits of Rock in Rio). He said that he had bought me a ticket for the next day Queen was playing. I couldn’t believe it, it was too good to be true. It was his old ticket. He gave it to me as a memento of the occasion I missed ..

Cidinha (a radio talk show host who tells it like it is, although a bit over the top) said the American shows had a much better technical back up than the Brazilian acts, and the Brazilians are only being used as a warm up for the main event as they always plays first. Disgusting. The interviews are being cut on Globo, which wants to make out that Rock In Rio is perfect, and it’s all lies. Nothing works there anymore (toilets, public phones… ). There are fights, naked women, weed smoking. Although that was to be expected and it hasn’t been as bad as predicted.

On Saturday something barbaric happened; at Riberão Preto, the police invaded the Boia-frias’ houses and beat the crap out of them. I don’t understand why. And then they expect young people not to be vandals and destroy things even though the police and government behave this way!

The 2nd biggest train accident happened in Ethiopia, 400 people died. Now to my favourite sport: Volleyball. The Brazilian championship finals are on. The women’s finalists are : Supergasbras x Atlantica’. The first match will be on the 17th in Rio. The second match will be on the 20th. The men’s finalists are Atlantica x Minas Tenis. Usually the finals are Atlantica x Pirelly but this year is different. The first match will be on the 16th at 21 :00 hours in Belo Horizonte. The second match will be on the 20th.

On the 19th it’s Maira’s baby shower at Zeze’s academy. I don’t want to go but. .. Helena left hospital today and we went to visit her. The baby’s is the spitting image of his dad, Jorge, and his name is Jorge too. Everyone complained about the name but I don’t think it’s that bad …

I didn’t use to like The Scorpions, but today I watched a really good interview with them. They said they are not a Heavy Metal group, they don’t worship the devil, as the world is full of negative energy already. And then they showed an incredible guitar: Like the one in the tickets, only green and full of little Brazilian flags only green and yellow.

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