RJ 10/01/1985 Thursday

RJ 10/01/1985 Thursday

Today it’s 5 months I’ve been writing a diary.

It’s cloudy and Maira didn’t even go to the Vestibular. Yesterday we argued. She thinks she has all this life experience as if she was 30 years old (She’s 17) and she keeps saying that aggression is pretty normal at my age and so is lying. I feel sorry for her.

She does not take any advice from Zezé, saying she has to lead her own life, and deal with the consequences.

So, she thinks she is very wise, writes very well and that she is so intelligent, how come she screwed up her exams and filled in the answer sheet with pen instead of pencil? She didn’t even bother to read the instructions, thinking the examiner would have pointed it out to her – as if they care, the more people that fail the better for them. To me the incident above does not really matter, but for someone so wise and old it does matter as it demonstrates their capacity to think logically. If I used a pen instead of pencil to mark the answers or made a spelling mistake fair enough (as for getting pregnant, forget, I will only do it once I have finished studying and even then only when I’m financially secure, which Maira isn’t); but for her to do it!

I was here this morning, writing, when the doorbell rang. It was Rita who was going out and came to ask which bus to take wherever she was going and Wagner was with her. I have nothing against him, but come on… His mate, who is Rita’s brother and who I fancy is Naeif, Marcelo, Andre, Adriano and Cesar all rolled into one. Jesus, calm down!

Ah, Rock In Rio: Jeison is supposed to go today at 9 to Mesbla (where they didn’t have tickets for the first day, but promised to have some today). I’m only going if it is on the first day, otherwise he needn’t bother buying me tickets. So that was arranged. Maybe we will today to see the Rock City. My grandad arrives Tuesday or Wednesday next week and we will give me 50,000 crz I will give 20,000 to Jeje (for the ticket) and I will try buying roller blades with the rest.

The dollar is at 3,244 crz, if Zezé hadn’t exchanged she would have 324,400 crz.

Today Rod Stewart is 40 years old. Zezé went down just now and found her car broken into. She can’t park it inside the building’s car park because their flat has only one space and Gil uses it for his car. But the thieves were quite nice, they took the window out, with rubber and all and put it on the car seat. All they took was the car battery. Even so, it’s not very nice for them, I must say I find it exciting. I remember last year we were going to the beach, it was a bit cloudy, and as we got out of the lift on the ground floor, we bumped into a cop with a machine gun. He ordered us to leave the building. We had all the beach gear on us (beach chairs etc) and we went out to the street where there was a lot of people. What happened was that an old woman had phoned the cops, as a man was trying to break her door in. I was mad we couldn’t got to the beach but loving it. It was like being in the Brazilian TV series “Falange Vermelha”. I opened the beach chair and sat on the street. In the end the thief got away. It looks like whoever broke into Zezé’s car knew who it belonged to, they didn’t even take her spare wheel.

I’m not going to Rock In Rio anymore! Jeison went to Mesbla and there were no more tickets left. Then he went to one of his friends who was selling the tickets on the black market, but they cost 45,000. As he is Jeison’s friend he let him have it for 28,000. There was nothing I could do about it. From today until the 7th of Feb, Maira is going to have to go to IBEU, English Course. It’s an intensive course everyday from 18:30 to 20:30.

It’s been on the news that the dollar is going up to 3,318 crz. What a robbery!

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